Laycock Green: Seasons, 2021 – ongoing

Laycock Green is a modest urban green in north London. I stumbled upon it during an early morning lockdown run in 2020, attracted by a grassy footpath at its western end, where gorse and other shrubs are briefly reminiscent of the South Downs.

I love the juxtaposition of abundant plant and animal life with the surrounding density of urban infrastructure. It’s a space people commute through, use to take brief breaks from nearby offices and walk dogs within, as well as play and socialise. It feels like part of the working city, vital in its support of plant and animal life as well as local communities.

Once I’d started drawing on the Green, I wanted to continue. It’s a small space, but alters radically throughout the year. I hope the drawings I’m making convey my fascination with the intensity, rhythms and variety of life which takes place on the Green as the seasonal cycle unfolds.

Click on each thumbnail for a closer look at a selection of drawings from the Laycock Green series …